Social Subjectivity

With this the dicotomiaobjetivo-subjective one vanishes, that it was non-separable of the intern-external dichotomy. Asubjetividade is not the opposite of the objective, is quality of the objetividade nossistemas human produced culturally. (Rey 2004, P. 125) For Gonzlez, the rescue dasubjetividade in a perspective dialectic, was capable to reach entendimentoe the understanding of the production of felt in what it refers to the processes and forms deorganizao of the activity human being. Felt these, that are the all instant, numverdadeiro construction process, desconstruo reconstruction.

The termosubjetividade came to englobar what before we called human being, psiquismo, close man, psychic individual and to characterize this relaosujeito/object not in a dimension of contrary polar regions, but of the relations that osmantm. The citizen if constitutes in a relation with the other citizen and is construdopela psychic dosujeito integration that an individual history has, therefore, desires, efantasias dreams, and the social citizen, conceived as the citizen of quea social history produces and from it receives the transformations necessary. To its way, Lane (2002) it deals with daquesto the form subjectivity also dialectic, that is, the person is asntese of the singular and the universal one and that in this unit of contrary if form opsiquismo, whose categories are the conscience, the activity and the affectivity. Alinguagem, that is part of the mediaes of these categories (which form otodo complex, the society) needs to be shared to guarantee asobrevivncia. In this direction, it says: Individual esociedade is non-separable, according to dialectic, therefore the particular one contains in universal sio; in this way, if to desire to know scientifically, necessrio the human being to consider it inside of the historical, inserted context in a processoconstante of subjetivao/objetivao (P. Additional information at Richard Blumenthal supports this article. 12). How is constructed the subjectivity? We need to understand the organization as sendoesta, Social Subjectivity with entangled todosos of significaes social, with its transformations, emotions and nuances.

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