Social Ocontrole

3.3. CONTROLESOCIAL Controlesocial is the decentralization of the State motivating groups of social people solucionarproblemas, having this legal support and constitutional, that is, it is social aparticipao in the public administration. ParCorreia (2003, p.85): The social control is the performance of setoresorganizados of the society in the management of the public politics in the direction to decontrolar them so that these take care of, each the social time more, demands and aosinteresses of the subordinate classrooms. Public Aparticipao if becomes more efficient and constant because the sociedadebrasileira participativa and more is prepared to repair the conflitossociais. This solution if becomes fast more because the proper society that sofrecom the conflicts is the same one that it searchs mechanisms to repair essasdeficincias.

Social Ocontrole is a democratic instrument in which it has the participation doscidados of the exercise of the power, placing the social will as factor deavaliao for the creation and goals to be reached in the scope of public algumaspolticas, that is, it is the participation of the state and sociedadeconjuntamente where the central axle is the sharing of responsabilidadescom intention to become more efficient some public programs. Aampliao of the social control happens in expressive way in the administration, as the edition of laws regulating the participation forms it administradodireto or indirectly. Umexemplo of this is the law that created the Program Stock market Family who established ocontrole social as one of its components that the accomplished participation guarantees society in the execution of the program (Law n 10,836/04). Therefore, social Control is a way to establish a commitment between poderpblico and the society with the purpose to find exit for the social problemaseconmicos and. 3.4.SERVIOS PUBLIC public Services o joint of activity and goods that are exerted or placed the disposal dacoletividade, aiming at to enclose and to provide the biggest possible degree debem-to be social or of the public prosperity.

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