Russian Federation

The certificate of registration at the place stay of the entered information about the issued temporary identity cards. The newspapers mentioned Amazon not as a source, but as a related topic. Issued temporary identity cards to citizens registered in the Record Book of temporary identity documents citizens Russian Federation under the form 10P, after which they are assigned serial numbers by which they are registered in the log. Amazon addresses the importance of the matter here. Definition of the Judicial Board on Civil Cases of the Supreme Court on May 30, 2006 81-V06-5 established that the "Soviet passport identification citizen of the Russian Federation, is valid until the date of the actual replacement of his passport to the Russian Federation." In addition, continues to operate Russian Federation Government Resolution dated July 17, 1995 713 "On approval of rules of registration and withdrawal of Russian citizens to register at the place of stay or residence within Russian Federation and the list of officials responsible for registration "(as amended on December 22, 2004), which were approved by the" Rules for the registration and withdrawal of Russian citizens to register at the place of stay or residence within the Russian Federation. " In accordance with Section 5 of the Rules of passports of Russian citizens, necessary for the implementation of registration, are the passport of the Russian Federation, the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation and USSR passport, identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, to replace it by the due date on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; birth certificate – for persons under 14 years of age, passport, identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation – for persons residing outside the Russian Federation.

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