Thus, the professor will provoke the pupils for the quarrel of thematic of the human relationship. so that the same ones reflect on the respect, the importance and the valuation of each profession in the society. The pupils, from the taken off conclusions of the debate, will produce a text collective, where the professor will be the scribe, to be presented for the remaining portion of the school, in the hour of the entrance of the lessons, at the beginning of the period and later settled in strategical places: mural of the pupils, classroom, library and others. 4,4 Questioning of the horizon of expectations: (4 hours/lesson) The use of the RPG is considered in this A stage Role Playing Games, that is a playful activity in which the participants create and dramatizam histories interpreting personages. For its development one is necessary ‘ ‘ Mestre’ ‘ , the professor. This activity will have the duration of 4 uninterrupted hours for the thematic one, chosen here, the following script is considered: SCRIPT FOR RPG ‘ ‘ THE JUDGMENT OF THE CIGARRA’ ‘ To reread fbula of it Fontainee to consider the following activity. After the buzzer to have damaged the ant, this entered with one resource of pain and suffering against the buzzer. Thus a judgment was mounted with the indicated personages above. Personages to write down the information)? Juramentista (for buzzer and the ant to swear to say the truth) Judge (1)? Defense attorneys (3)? Prosecuting attorneys (3)? Juries (9)? Witnesses (9) (passarinho, earthworm, grasshopper, snail, lesma, lizard, butterfly, spider and taturana Syndical group (6) (to protest during the judgment) Magnifying of the horizon of expectations: (8 hours/lesson) In this last stage, the literary experience and the reflection regarding the relations between reading/text and life opportunism the taking of conscience of the alterations and acquisitions suffered for the citizen-reader.