Next to Runin Adviser Eduardo Vera disqualified it. At this moment the company is shaping and solving the observations, so the new project is not worked. From my personal point of view the moment of discussion of the Core of this project – is in the Corema and not by the Regional Council. For all the directors who want to see the information there is the page of Conama, Icsara, reports of the services can be ordered and there you have all the background information. Not necessarily have to have a presentation of a company was the explanation of Alfredo Runin. On the occasion is referred, moreover, to article 7 of the Constitution which States that any authority or person was attributable, nor even to pretext of extraordinary circumstances, another authority or rights that who expressly will have conferred them under the Constitution or the laws, this given that the core would not know studies admitted to Conama in a space other than the environmental impact evaluation system. Member and regional councillor for the Corema, Pilar caves, defended the legality of the exhibit pointing out it is not first time that the Regional Council full listening to different companies.
HidroAysen is today, tomorrow may be Xstrata, we listened to the posture of Patagonia without dams. I think that the Core cannot be closed. He pointed out that it seems a little arbitrary posture, because when we listen to fishermen after taking the bridge, which could have been declared illegal, there was no Counsellor that reaching up the voice and told not hear them. In relation to the difference with these exhibitions where there was no an evaluation study pointed out that this Council has to be comprehensive, must be Open, and this does not imply any position. The law only says that we can not express opinion regarding whether we are for or against a project that I enter to Corema. But no limits us to inform us and I think it’s duty to inform, and which today has been heard here it is not more than what has been heard in the Corema also, the company has also gone to the Corema to raise your project, then there is nothing new or anything additional, noting that it is completely valid to Regional Council report on the major issues of the region. Finally, Pilar caves expressed confidence that critical organizations to these initiatives also prompted a space to present their own vision and background information on the projects of dams and laying of high-tension in Aysen.