Reforms Of Alexander

As a result of a conspiracy March 12, 1801 was killed by the Emperor Paul 1. Certainly in the grand plan of a palace coup was devoted to the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich. However, with the accession of new monarch were related hopes for a steady liberal reforms in Russia, the peremptory rejection of the oppressive methods of government, the policies of Emperor Paul I. Few people know, but the first years of the reign of Alexander I characterized by a number of liberal initiatives. So, in 1801 during the reign formed a secret committee, koy included Earl, pa Stroganoff, Count vp Kochubey, N. Novosiltsev, Prince A.

. Everyone knows that the committee discuss topical issues of Russian life – serfdom. Many suspect that the problems of state reforms, the important question of the dissemination of education. In 1803, he was given a decree on voluntary cultivators, according Whom landlords gained the right to liberate peasants from the land of redemption. Incidentally, in 1804 – 1805 years. was launched peasant thorough reform in the Baltic lands.

The results of it were worthless, because its implementation is entrusted to hearted will of the landlords. Of course everyone knows that in 1803 it approved a new position on the device of educational institutions. By the way, was introduced into the continuity between schools of different levels – parish, district school, high schools and universities. All have long known that a significant addition to the Moscow University was founded by five more: Dorpat, Vilna, , Kazan, St. Petersburg. In 1804 the university acquired considerable autonomy: an indisputable right to choose the rector and the professors to decide their own affairs. Certainly worth mentioning that in 1804, was issued terribly liberal in nature censorship statute. Already in 1802 by Peter I board were replaced by ministries, of which introduced strict autocratic minister. Costs so as to focus on here is it: was established by the Committee of Ministers. The draft native state reforms – Doing Legal Code to state laws – Speransky proposed a strict separation of powers and wide to bring society to governance. And nothing to say that the proposals have caused Speransky sharp opposition at the highest levels of society. Caesar himself was not yet ready to ideas Speransky. True, in March 1812 Speransky was removed from their own posts and exiled. Incidentally, it is worth adding that in 1815 the Kingdom of Poland was granted constitution. Of course, at the direction of the governor and projects designed to abolish serfdom. In 1816, Aleksandr, wanting to reduce the cost of maintaining the army, began the introduction of military settlements. Of course everyone knows that the military settlements have been obliged to engage in both farming and military service. Of course, military settlements were established on state land Petersburg, Novgorod, Mogilev, province. Chief of these settlements became aa Arakcheev. Certainly it is worth mentioning that the 1820-ies. Government more clearly beginning to shift to the reaction. Many people know that by 1821 had defeated the Moscow and Kazan universities: a number of professors were fired and prosecuted. In 1817 it established the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education, concentrating in the hands of their own comprehensive control over education and upbringing. In other words, knowing the actual complete collapse of its policy, Alexander I increasingly moving away from state affairs. Government spent a lot of time traveling. During one of these trips he died in the city of Taganrog in the age of 48.

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