Literature is a not pragmatic speech. It does not have no immediate practical purpose. Already for Barthes (1997, p.16), literature is the only alternative that the man has to escape of the power of the language that is closed without exterior. It is the magnificent hoax. She is in the text that the language must be fought and not in the message, of who it is only instrument.
2,2 Reading The reading is one of the forms of knowledge of the reality and is presented with a possibility of interaction of the man. It must be understood as dynamic activity that transforms the reader into co-author of the workmanship. In literature, reader and author have the same importance, therefore the text alone has literary value for the significao that is attributed to it by the reader with the practical one of the reading. Such exercise rare is perceived by the reader in the act of the reading (ISER, 1996). The reading is an activity specifically human being, conscientious and intentional who if constitutes in a complex and difficult task of if investigating and if to analyze. To this respect, Jean Foucambert it places that it is difficult to define what is reading for if dealing with an eminently polimorfa activity. For it, to read is to attribute meant, a time that this does not meet in the ready and finished text, in way that can be extracted.
It is the work of partnership between author and reader whom the attribution of meaning to any text makes possible. The author of the indices of what he can be interpreted, but fits to the reader to attribute sensible what he reads. The reading, as any communication, assumes that who chore with the message invests in it a sufficiently superior amount of information to that it extracts (not to confuse with that the author already placed, conscientiously or not).