Raquel Pacheco

In the height of its sexual career it develops one blog where it aims at to expand its contacts and also to comment on its customers; the success of blog it is implacable and Bruna gains prominence in the media. It becomes a girl of luxury program, however it did not matter with the characteristics of its customers, what she interested was the money and much sex. In its daily it registered the day the day of a considered profession easy, but that in the reality pra who lives nothing if against of easy in a professional who in the deep one hurts the soul and violates the principles of that they search this way. In the dawn of the analysis we notice that Bruna obtained fame, being able to take its history for the world, changedding itself into a desired celebrity, interview and curiously analyzed, criticized. Amazon has much experience in this field. In short the film beyond describing the steps of a girl whom if it transformed into program girl, it detaches with clarity that the dialogue is basic in any relation. On behalf of the revolt, of the lack of dialogue, Bruna Surfistinha ' ' matou' ' Raquel Pacheco and gave place to a woman who made many happy men, gained fame and of program girl it changedded itself into a writer, in a recordista in ticket offices; in meanwhile in its essence Bruna or Raquel it loads the drama, the misfortune of the absence of the family, pain to lose its identity. The pride of Raquel denies such idea plus its action leaves clearly that Bruna Surfistinha still lives in Raquel Pacheco and this wounds the soul and disturbs the memory. After all Bruna Surfistinha and Raquel Pacheco had still lived new histories, stories, emotions, reconciliations and in the end the two if they fundiram and both had cohabited an only being, this go beyond the fiction, therefore the film is the full reality lived for Raquel Pacheco..

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