Proposals To Artifariti 2010

Proposals call for proposals 2010 ARTifariti, which will be held from 16 to 30 October may occur until June 18. The international art meetings in Territorios Liberados of the Occidental Sahara, curated this year by Alonso Gil and Federico Guzman, born from the field of culture in response to the existence of the wall of shame that separates the Saharan families for over 35 years. ARTifariti uses artistic practices as an instrument of social transformation, generating spaces geographical, political, virtual and imagination with the potential to flourish as zones of encounter and communication among individuals and peoples. The jury – made up of artists, critics, cultural managers and people linked to solidarity with the Sahara – will select six projects open to all artistic disciplines (painting, sculpture, drawing, video, performance, site-specific interventions, interventions in the social context, etc.), which reflect and activate from the contemporary art the natural, cultural, social and geopolitical reality of Western Sahara. Although it is not an exclusive requirement, plus the creation of permanent works that contribute to Tifariti follow consolidated as international cultural space and symbol of hope for the Sahrawi people and all the peoples of the world. The framework is complex and unique, given the lack of means and the geopolitical situation, so it shall take into account the use of social context as materials and indigenous resources of the place (sand, limestone, dry trunks, animal bones, materials recycling, acero and blocks of cement construction, jaimas, melfas dyed fabrics(, remnants of war material, tires, car bodies, containers, buses, etc.).

The displacement to Tifariti from Madrid, internal transport, accommodation and maintenance of the artists selected for the duration of the meetings shall be borne by the organization. In a land invaded and liberated, It has suffered the wounds of the war and still suffering the terrible repression of the Moroccan regime, the fourth edition of ARTifariti is delineated by the relationship between art and human rights, launching the world both a message of denunciation of the serious violations committed by the occupying government against the civilian population, as in defence of the right of individuals and peoples to their landtheir culture, their roots and their freedom. In this sense, include the simultaneous celebration of the I Symposium on art and rights and the development of the project Lxs Desconocidxs, in collaboration with AFAPREDESA. This proposal, which allows you to visualize the grave situation of human rights in the conflict in the Sahara using art as a tool to illuminate the unknown in search of the truth, invites international artists to make portraits of Saharan people missing because of the occupation and the Moroccan repression from interviews with relatives and witnesses.

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