Propaganda Department

in the tax office will issue an electronic as a basis for all legal entities, standing on the account. The base can be updated, but then it will cost 50 thousand rubles. The remaining information about your company, which is stored in the tax office, the tax is officially secret and may available upon request to the only other state agencies. Peterburgkomstat. Certainly, public information about you received by the tax inspectorate, the competitor will not suffice. Then he can go in and Peterburgkomstat for a nominal fee (77 usd.

05 cop.) see the data contained in the accounting and statistical reporting for your enterprise. This balance sheet and profit and loss data on the number of employees, size and composition of core and working capital and certain other information. Of course, accounting is far from reality, but often has no partition for it at all irrelevant, but in the presence of the head on the shoulders of certain information there can still be gleaned. gibdd.Isklyuchitelno may be useful information about transportation company. However, according to a senior inspector of the Propaganda Department ugibdd police in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region Sergei Hrantskevicha to obtain any information about someone else's car from the traffic police can only by court order. Information on registration and removal of cars from the register, about the hijacking, the organization of fleets and transportation companies, and more, contained in the databases of the traffic police (and they are from all the cities of our country in St.

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