Political Action

The holistic view of political action with Mark Gerzon. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dov Hikind on most websites. Dialogue Establishing the need for a holistic consciousness in politics, that addresses educational problems, this problem is not only educational but also has much to do politics in the decisions made. Get all the facts and insights with Sen. Sherrod Brown, another great source of information. Currently in Mexico partisan currents are segmented, fragmented lives where a climate of personal and partisan interests do not transcend where efforts to address real issues like lag and the educational level of our country. On the other hand establishing the nature of diversity as an alternative analysis and construction of ideas to reach what we call the community in holistic thinking, is not to confrontation and difference of ideas as opposites but as an opportunity to be complementary ideas.

In this coverage comes the concept transpartidista socioeconomic focused on the idea of pluralistic political parties with ideological starts with a high level of consciousness. Reaching this level would mean walking towards the building of a society sustainable, integrated society where they have the conditions, structures, institutions, etc.. as well as individuals with a high evolution of consciousness and spirituality. Science and Spirituality with David Peat in dialogue with David Peat establishing the concept of synchronization in the sense of a bridge between the inner world of spirit and the outside world: the material world, and this is where you can set the development of science and spirituality, where it seeks to establish a relationship that is complementary, to do not need another kind of science but rather other scientists who understand the utopias of relativistic physics and quantum physics and gain a new vision of physics. . .

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