Its regimen of payment is different from the regimen of payment of the other debits. There the deserving ones goes independently to advance on the patrimony of the debtor of any another limitation, except for the legal ones. Thus, it is perceived that, although a provisory majority for the autonomy of the legal fees borne by the loser in a judicial dispute of the main value, exactly when this will be subject to the regimen of the precatrio, the only certainty that if has is of that ‘ ‘ many waters have to pass for Da Ponte ‘ underneath; ‘ , in view of that today the files of legal documents of REVERSE SPEED 564,132 still meet with sights for Lady Minister Ellen Gracie and, of the date of the session of judgment (03/12/2008) for the present much thing already if changed in ours Bigger Cut, new ministers had entered and some, also that already they had voted, had left. That is, that social legal unreliability and even though mentioned at the beginning of the work still comes frightening, in special, the classroom of lawyers in Brazil, in view of the morosidade of our judiciary one in deliberating the causes ece of fishes in its analysis, as well as the great divergence of agreement on the substance in study in our native courts, where some continue definitive that honorary sucumbenciais are enrolled in precatrios, exactly with inferior values to the ceiling of RPV, while others determine the immediate payment, by means of small solicitation of sum, exactly the value exequendo main being subject to the regimen of precatrio. 5 PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS In this work, were adopted the research of exploratria nature, with bibliographical survey, in special in the area of the public law, using, initially, norms and books of current reading. It is distinguished that the chosen doctrinal workmanship had been elect for being the few that treat on the subject in study, although the great importance of the present substance for the legal world.