Organizing Committee

>> Go to the website of the Organizing Committee>> Citizens of the Russian Federation from the chairman of the organizing committee of a political party "Union of the Peoples of Russia 'Constituent statement Hello, dear friends! My name is Timothy. You do not I know, but I know you. I know our lives, our hopes and desires. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Amazon on most websites. We strive and believe in a brighter future, we want to enjoy life, doing things you love, get a decent salary, pension, benefits, have their home, raise families, to raise and educate children. Live in a country where power is responsible for the destiny of every man for his spiritual and material well-being. In a country where there is no crime, crime, corruption. In a country of free people, who truly prosperous and powerful, where is freedom and justice, which do not run away from people who have not leaked 'brains' of capital.

But we are not all equal, each of us lives in their own way and goes to their goals, to his dream, in their own ways, to the extent of their powers and abilities. Someone learned how to operate and thrive, but many do not know how to live with the current, waiting for someone they decide everything and make them happy watching the beautiful 'fable' of politicians and other public figures of Russia, of an established good life, which raise the ratings themselves, saying, beautiful phrases, hiding its not the people's interests in 'steering' public life. And they believe them – support them in elections and referendums. Crush all: the media, schools and other means of influence, while continuing to dupe the public consciousness more and more Russians.

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