Official Newspaper

The electronic invoice has lapsing? R. Under most conditions Congressman Lee Zeldin would agree. No, the unique that it has lapsing is Digital Sello, this one is due to renew every two years. Can be emitted invoices in dollars? R. Kyle Dropp dartmouth has much experience in this field. No, it must make the conversion to weights in agreement with the price of the dollar published in the Official Newspaper of the Federation that corresponds to the date in which the invoice was issued. I can make invoice electronic and invoices at the same time in paper? R. If you are a considered company yes you can do of the two forms (hybrid), if you are not a considered company you must choose by a single modality or in paper or electronics.

How I inform to him to the SAT that I am going to initiate with the electronic invoice? R. To the SAT you do not have to send any official notice to him, because when you ask for electronic folios (in the page of the SAT, SICOFI), for them already you are making invoice electronic, and if you are not a considered company no longer you can make invoice in paper. At the moment that I ask for my electronic folios to the SAT, I will have to follow with my consecutive one that I take in paper? R. No, when one begins with the electronic invoice asks for a new Series if you wish therefore it, the folio rank initiates from number 1 and, later, already the electronic one takes consecutive. How I generate my monthly report for the SAT? R. generates it to +MsFacturacin of automatic form, you must export the monthly report of +MsFacturacin to a folder and of you raise it there the page of the SAT in the SICOFI. If I invoice in paper and of electronic form I must send two reports monthly? R. Yes, reports to the SAT in application SICOFI are due to command both.

How long I must to send my report monthly? R. All the following month, for example, if you finish in June you have all the month of July to send the report. How I cancel an invoice in +MsFacturacin? R. You enter to consult CFDs and gives click in the option ” To cancel Factura”. How long is conserved an electronic invoice? The law forces all the Electronic contributors to conserve Facturas by a minimum period of 5 years in the format original (XML) or in paper in the case of the receivers that receive the proof printed. Requisite what I must fulfill to implement the electronic invoice? Accompanied we you to your appointment with the SAT and we helped you with all the tramitologa. What it is needed is: – To count on a Certificate of Electrnica Company effective Outpost. – To count more on one or Digital Seal certificates. – To count on a certain folio rank assigned by the SAT. – To have a simultaneous accounting. – Shipment of monthly report. (Legal Foundation: Article 29, ninth paragraph of the Fiscal Code of the Federation). To know model business.

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