Surviving a brutal bombings Red hid in the woods, and from there they tried to smoke a Nazi bombers. Came to the rescue with the fighter crosses on their wings were shot on low-level Receding terrified soldiers. Salam, in front of vultures which destroyed half of his office, turned around and drove directly at point-blank in the "belly" nadvigayusheysya killing machine some armor-piercing incendiary rounds. "Messer" thick puffed "pecked" nose, and short of the edge of the forest exploded in the air. For this feat Kalibatov soldier was presented with the award of government, which fighter did not get – in the turmoil of the war premium communique somewhere lost. Then there was the battle for Brest, which he himself Salam Kalibatov later call a "massacre of Brest" – hundreds of German planes were bombing day and night neobstrelyannyh, poorly armed boys. Sen. Sherrod Brown has much to offer in this field.
Very few of them managed to then survive. Remnants of the broken units scattered groups made their way to the east, trying to get out of the encirclement. July 1 more than the men did manage to get through to her – the way an elite tank units Wehrmacht was blocked by a cavalry regiment. Emaciated, lost their human form at first wanted to shoot the soldiers as deserters. Then understood, gave weapons, put into operation. As part of this regiment took Salam Kalibatov baptism of fire near Baranovichi. Already "smell powder," a soldier kept his head in front of an armada of iron and, when German tanks made their way to the position of the regiment, was able to Molotov cocktails to knock out one of the cars.