Missiology 18

Continuation of missiology classes audio recordings and even so, the Christian world was developed, was born, grew up, and was strengthened in this context, that seems to be so little communion with their same proposal. Within these avatars, it is necessary to discover how the Church has left itself to advertise. How Christianity has developed its missionary dimension. ADGENTES: tells us that why being essentially different proposal of Christianity, the world they live, can live in the world, and that world develop their missionary dimension. The Church is by nature missionary. God has called us to participate in his life, and his glory, not only individually, but also as people (and in other paragraphs says): this mission of the Church is unique, although he knows several modalities, which do not depend upon its nature, but the circumstances here there are two important things to understand.

How has been able to go evolving the Church in history, as he has been able to move in contexts where has lived, and as it has been developing its missionary dimension. Here we have two fundamental elements. The theme of nature missionary, and the theme not only individually, but as people these are two principles that if we return to what seems a challenge (the above) the role that the Church has is that it has to leave herself, and found with one who does not know the truth. The message that Christ came to announce. These two features that the Council recognizes as essential, have not always been able to develop in the history of the Church. Not the concept of people has always been Christian clear. And the Church has not always had freedom to develop its essence, in contexts in which has been living. The sense of being part of the grace of God, has not always been a collective issue, an issue of people.

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