Thus, despite it has available vacant, that parcel of the population that a reasonable formal educational level did not reach and that therefore already it suffers with the unemployment, does not obtain to fill them. The problem that if presents, therefore, is the following one: how to become this apt population to use to advantage the chances of job and income that the vast industrial park of the city offers? The reply to this question it passes without a doubt for the education and this will be the main focus of our program. OBJECTIVES the main objective of the program is to reduce the taxes of unemployment of the city, by means of action that involves the qualification of workmanship hand, over all directed to the sector that represents the biggest vocation of the city, the industry metal-mechanics, as well as the intermediao between employer and hand of workmanship, with sights in the approach of these two polar regions. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Amazon. PBLICO-ALVO the actions of the program will be come back toward the population from the band of the 20 years, in situation of unemployment and with low escolaridade. Also they can integrate the program people with average education, but with profile of income and vulnerable empregabilidade. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Survey of the referring data the job and escolaridade of the population. Job and Average Income?