Legal Research

Inevitability of social Progress is determined by the inevitability of victory (in the end, regardless of the possible partial lesions) revolutionary propaganda by the fact that it mainly reflects the truth: the fact of exploitation, its mechanisms of opportunity to build relations of production, excluding the existing forms of exploitation, etc. A counter-revolutionary propaganda mainly reflects misconceptions about the reality: there is no exploitation, that further democratization leads to chaos, idealizes the existing relations of production, etc. Therefore, even just the general development of the social consciousness of the exploited and the natural (unfocused) forms of dissemination of the information revolution, ultimately, will inevitably lead them to realize the truth. Although sometimes with a very talented counter-revolutionary propaganda revolutionary consciousness of the public may experience in its development regressive moments, but endlessly fool the people is impossible. The inevitability of the progressive development of social revolutionary consciousness in particular defined by the inevitable progressive development of social consciousness as a whole. That is as inevitable development (discovery and dissemination) of knowledge of reality as a whole, just as inevitable development (discovery and dissemination) of knowledge about how to destruction of existing forms of exploitation in the society in particular. The driving force of social progress is people's need for social justice, and this need, just like everyone else, can be satisfied only with full awareness of the ways and means to satisfy it by the will of the people who have this need.

And regardless of their will and consciousness, there is no power that can determine are designed to meet this needs work, as an individual, and their various associations. With regard to the formula of social progress Marx: developing the productive forces of society, develop the relations of production, dump them and generate new ones – then it is true, but only to the amendment of Lenin: "the main productive force of all mankind is man, the worker" (1). The main point of mankind's productive forces is the development of public awareness towards the realization that based on this form of ownership relations of production in its development had reached the limit. Looking for a new industrial relations. We need a new form of ownership. Literature 1.V.I.Lenin Complete Works, T.38, s.359 2.A.I.Pershits, al Mongayt, vp Alekseev.

Prehistory. M: High School, 1982. P.175. 3.Tam also p.100. 4.Tam as S.183. 5.K.Marks, Engels Collected Works. T.23. S.189. 6. ga The dialectics of the evolution of wildlife. The essence of the dialectical contradictions; 7. ga Birth of the legal and public authorities. "Joint scientific journal 13, 2006, "Foundation for Legal Research 8. ga Physiology of thinking. "Joint scientific journal 21, 2006, "Foundation for Legal Research;

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