Carmen Balfagon was born in Madrid in 1954. Lawyer in Right, Carmen Balfagon has passed through the ministries of Education and Public Science, Administrations and Economy and Property. Also she worked as parliamentary adviser and of Institutional Relations of the minister of Promotion between years 1998 and 2000. In May of that year, nevertheless, Carmen Balfagon was named adviser of Relations with the National and advisory Parliament of Institutional Relations of the minister of Health. Later, in September of 2002, it would happen to hold the position of adviser of the Secretary of State of Security in the Department of the Interior until January of the 2003 when, as a result of the accident of the ship ' Prestige' , it was gotten up as adviser of the Commissioner of the Government for the Activities derived from the catastrophe of ' Prestige' , following the Ministry of the Presidency. In November of 2003 Carmen Balfagon Head of the Cabinet of the Vice-president Second and Advisory of Justice and Interior of the Community of Madrid was already appointed, since she carried out until 17 of December of 2004. It was then when position became of the Agency of Menor Infractor (ARRMI) who lets in 2011 to comprise of the government of Maria Dolores de Cospedal, like Secretary General of Social Subjects of the Community of Castille-La Mancha.