Imperial Rome

This percentage could expressed as a percentage of the total output and a fixed amount of some kind or (ii) cash flows. Here is a fairly typical message of a Roman senator I century BC to another: "highborn highborn Lutsilly Paul with the desire of good health. After our conversation with you sent your tuskulanskoe estate with Petronius, a son of my control, two slaves, Mauritanian and Greek from Syria, bought me last year at auction in Antsiume the Syrian merchants. Mauritanian skilled in caring for the horses, hardy, unpretentious food, but wayward and often requires a stick. May be useful as groom and exits Moorish horses. Proficient in Greek pottery, literate and know the basics of playing the flute, and mathematics.

Character is calm, but apparently also very cunning. Look to him, then can you be a scribe or accountant. If you keep the both of you can pay as agreed, my forty sesterces for each month through both Petronius and, in addition, each time with each sesterces the amphora, a Greek and you made with each horse, obezzhennogo Mauritanian. And may God keep you Jupiter. " Starting from the I century AD and later throughout the era of Imperial Rome, these relationships are becoming more extensive, are formulated in the Rome Statute as short stories by the Senate resolutions and imperial edicts, and eventually extend far beyond the original relationship between the slave-owners – latifundistas. Holders of the rights of the beneficiaries of transferred in asset management are becoming increasingly Roman bankers. In this regard, such assets are becoming more pronounced purely monetary in nature. Specific records of them get established with the law form, and their presence fixed at authorized by the Roman jurists. Last increasingly, being as arbitrators of disputes, are the guardians of these "protoaktsy." Further stages of development of the share capital in it is recent history, we can see from the XVII century Holland.

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