History Identities

Happened years 90, the education of History has new theoretical paradigms that they are considered and incorporated to the historiogrficas productions, thus answering, to the subjects most significant of the society. For the historian and researcher Circe Bitencourt: ' ' one of the objectives central offices of the education of history in the present time, becomes related it its contribution in the constitution of identities. The national identity, in this perspective, is one of the identities to be constituted by pertaining to school history, but on the other hand, it faces the challenge of being understood in its relations with the place and mundial' ' (BITENCOURT, 2004, P. 121) Therefore, the constitution of the identities total is related with the question of the citizenship, that is an essential problem in the Brazilian present time. In this aspect, basically, it is that one meets in the PCN' s the affirmation of that History must contribute for the formation of ' ' citizen and citizen crticos' ' showing to the importance politics of he disciplines. In these argued aspects and having as bedding all the intrinsic theoretical debate in the PCN' s, is that we must rethink the question of as the professors and teachers will go to work with this material, mainly, for the fact of what! many times the reality found in the schools makes it difficult to them very work. ' ' The curricular changes must take care of to a joint between conceptual beddings historical, proceeding from the science of reference, and the transformations for which the society has passed in special the ones that if they relate to the new generations. Cultural diversity, problems of social identity and questions on the apprehension forms and domain of the information imposed for the young formed for the media, with new perspectives and forms of communication, have provoked changes in the act to know and to learn social ' ' (BITTENCOURT, 1992, P.

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