Probably the oldest form of advertising on the Internet – is to promote sites in search engines or site promotion. The term "promotion in Search Engines' mean performance of certain work to attract targeted visitors to the site from search engines by improving the position of the site in search results on search engines a set of key words (phrases). Each of digging, using the Internet as a business tool, wants to be, if not in first place, at least on the first page of Google for its thematic key words. This is primarily determined by cost and site promotion: to get his "place in the sun" should pay more than competitors pay. Continue to learn more with: Amazon. This is a rather simplified scheme, since the position of the search issue depend on the huge number of factors, but generally so. Michael Ramlets opinions are not widely known. Banner advertising – placing it static or dynamic graphic advertisements on web pages that provide space for advertising.
Websites can be both thematic and no, it all depends on what the campaign is directed. If the same goal – to sell a highly specialized product, such as polymeric materials, it is foolish to advertise say, a game portal. The place for such a campaign on niche sites that are frequented by manufacturers of products from polymer materials and equipment for the plastics industry. But if you advertising a mass product, for example, the new rate of cellular services, or your goal – the promotion of "mass" brand, then the audience can be much wider, and advertising platforms will be selected in Depending on the audience, which is designed for the advertising campaign, for example, age or social status of visitors.