Golden Age

In the same year tried his hand at kinematografe.Sovmestno with Dyunyuelem he makes the now classic two films "Un Chien Andalou 'and' Golden Age '. In 1928, after the split of the surrealist Dali becomes glavoynovogo center and arrange for its first exhibition in Paris. In the summer of 1929 in a small Cadaques acquainted with Helen Diakonova, afterwards he always called her Galoy. Galey called her mother away in .V this town, where there was this significant meeting, she came with her husband, Paul Eluard, and a small daughter. El Salvador fell in love at first sight, haunted her.

It is not immediately reciprocated. But still stayed with him, leaving her daughter in the care of husband's mother. But as many as 19 years old Salvador dobivalsyazakonnogo formalization of relations, and only after the departure of another world Paul Eluard, they were married. Common children in El Salvador and Gala was not, his status as a bequest was transferred to the state. Gala's daughter did not get anything. Now her daughter lives in America, seven times married, and not very communicative with the press. But back in 1929. Gala has become his companion, his muse, the inspiration for a lifetime.

The image of the ideal woman, woven from childhood, was transformed into a living rights. Gala, putting on their fragile shoulders of all the daily chores, opened the way for him to free creation. Her undoubted vocation – to help reveal the talent of Dali. Gala often told him: 'Pictures are waiting for you.

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