Global Municipal Utilities

Scientology supports Church and numerous international humanitarian programs to revive moral values the main activities of the Scientology churches are in the field of pastoral care and training. They have also been known that they worldwide – engage in a broad range of activities to improve their cities and communities. In the centuries before welfare programs of the Governments have been the rule, the churches tended generally to those in society who need support. In many areas, it is expected that churches provide assistance and in accordance with this tradition, Scientology members are actively working in their cities and towns. The Church of Scientology church members constantly training and pastoral work. After they also get a private, increased understanding and awareness of themselves and their fellow human beings. Thus, it goes without saying that their attention is focused on the world around them for them and that they Take responsibility for the conditions, which they find.

Charity and social responsibility are the natural consequences of their spiritual values. Scientologists are proud that they afford more social service hours per capita in comparison to similar large municipalities. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs addresses the importance of the matter here. The approach of a Scientologist on improvements based on the result: it takes care of the immediate needs of the people or of the community and at the same time addresses the underlying causes. Thus, permanent results and long term improvements are achieved. The Church of Scientology and its members contact the overwhelming problem of drug abuse despite numerous prevention events. The emphasis here is here of the enlightenment.

Scientologists see the root of poverty and crime in the illiteracy. Therefore, tutors around the world many thousands were trained in the efficient and successful teaching by L. Ron Hubbard. The clear improvements in the academic performance of pupils are outstanding. Clergy volunteer Scientology play an active role in relief in disaster areas. You are quickly spot fires, after bombings, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, etc. all over the world. Help victims, police officers, firefighters, and many more, to cope with the given situation. They also help organize water, food, tents and many more building. The Church of Scientology and its members of the community are conspicuously active advocates for human rights. Scientologists oppose instinctively all those who abuse their power or hurt the innocent and weak. You enlighten people around the world about their human rights so that every one of the child aware of his rights to the elders. There are still far more activities, the Scientologists and Scientology churches perform in their community. Follow all the goals of Scientology: A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can be successful and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to ascend to greater heights”.

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