The head of the city focused on the fact that residents of homes must demonstrate active participation and self- monitor progress of the work, because nobody, except them, it is better not to make 1. This idea lies at the heart of the Federal Law 185-FZ, which regulates the program overhaul. According to the current housing Code, the owners of apartment buildings are tenants. They will be responsible for the condition of the house after the completion of its reconstruction and, therefore, must themselves determine their need for repairs, to make estimates and take the building from the contractor. For this purpose, and had developed a scheme for co-financing activities carried out under the federal program.
Given the long-term debt to the public on capital repairs regional structures of public utilities, the state took over most of the costs – 95%. The remaining 5% must pay tenants. Advantageous if they need it? Let's count. The average repair costs to the standard five-storey blocks of 3-5 million rubles. Collect such amount of their own people is unlikely to be able to, but 5% of it (150-250 thousand rubles., or about 2-3 thousand per apartment) – completely. Whether such a high price for the actual new home (in fact, provided high-quality implementation of all planned activities result these should be used)? It is unlikely that this question requires an answer. The more so because in many cases, money can be made in equal installments during the year, ie 200-250 rubles a month apartment.