Explicit Grammar

This grammar if centers in the concept of ' ' diferente' ' in opposition to ' ' erro' ' determined for the normative grammar. Therefore the objective descriptive grammar to explain the functioning of the language. Internalizada grammar: based in the concepts of the Descriptive Grammar it considers that all falante it dominates the basic rules of ngua having them in the head for being inserted in a social group. Implicit grammar: it deals with the internalizada ability of the falante, it possesss unconsciously and it uses of automatic form when it needs if to communicate. Explicit grammar: the based linguistic studies are all in metalingstica, explicitam its constitution, structure and functioning. In such a way it can be understood as an explanation of the mechanism dominated for the falante and that it makes possible to it to use the language. Reflexiva grammar: they are the activities of comment and reflection on the language, search to detect, to raise its units, rules and principles, that is, the constitution and functioning of the language.

Grammar Constrastiva or Transferencial: it is the one that describes two languages at the same time, showing as the standards of one can be waited in the other. General grammar: it is the one that compares the biggest possible number of languages, with the end to recognize all the realizable linguistic facts and the conditions where they will be become fullfilled. Universal grammar: it is a grammar of comparative base that it looks to describe and to classify all the facts observed and carried through universally. Historical grammar: it studies a sequence of evolutivas phrases of a language. It deals with the origin and evolution of a language, following the phrases since its appearance until the current moment. Comparative grammar: it is that it studies a sequence of evolutivas phrases of some languages, normally searching to find points in common.

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