European Commission

The European continent, of all form, is an aggregation of rich countries that are not dependents between itself of the technological point of view and that they possess innumerable restrictions to the good entrance or services of its neighbors or any another part of the world. Countries as Portugal or Spain, weakker in relation to excessively in the question technological development, the sufficient one accumulates wealth commercially to participate with its neighbors and the remaining portion of the world. By the way, the European countries that had never left to colonize other people’s lands are also rich, because a species of &#039 occurs there; ' vases comunicantes' ' , that is, to the measure where Portugal and Spain had left the field colonizing, they had been also bringing wealth for inside of house, but also raising the level of income of its neighbors by means of the commerce. In the sequncia, inside of the same process, the Europe goes if enriching because the settling gains impulse, with state investments to that wanted ' ' arriscar' ': Cristvo Italian Columbus gains investment direct of the Spanish crown to launch beyond-sea. France if launches in the north of Africa, of where until today it keeps its wells of oil (Algeria, Elf) and Germany, England, Italy Assuming a position next to what rich countries already make he has times, man power banishes from the Third World for the same process now immigrates with each time more frequency: the European Commission esteem that is about 8 million people living illegally in the block. For this brief story, taking itself in account the general aspects that we mention on the European Union, remain difficult to imagine that Brazil can develop a narrower commerce, but that over all if it imposes to this set of countries, practising a little of austerity in the negotiations in what it says respect the raw material prices, are exported or those used by transnational and the multinationals internally. em.

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