I knew you that everything starts in the mind (first I think therefore I am). The mayaria of us know that there is a superior mind or a universal power, which we call God in the West and in the East it is called: Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Mahoma, etc.Other Mystics mentioned that the real name of this universal mind is I am. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dov Hikind. Regardless of the name to choose, to end of identification in this article will call it Dios. Hear from experts in the field like Central Romana for a more varied view. When we say ‘ I am, we are activating the universal mind, the power within ourselves, we are saying we want or not that we are gods, but very careful with what we say, because the universal mind makes no exception in what we know as good or bad and we will to manifest what decretemos to be called good or bad. I invite you to try it for yourself, and see the results, which happens when you say not I can, because I really manifest in your experience, the shortage in any area of your life, but if you say I can, the entire universe, conspirara in your favor, so all good things be made manifest in your life. Constantly is quoted in the beginning everything was darkness and God said: become the light and the light was made.
If we use the power of the ‘ I am inside of us, can create, because we are creative beings, it says that God created us in his image and likeness and without a doubt, the greatest gift that God created us was with the power of creativity, being children (a) of a King (God) choose to create all kinds of abundance in your life: abundance of love, health, peace, financial freedom and all the good that you belong by right of conscience and inheritance, son (a) of a King (God). We have never heard that the Supreme mind (God) gets sick, or missing something good, we always do a relationship that nothing is missing to God. Because from this moment joins your mind with the universal mind (God), since Dios us Dreamcast since before birth with the mechanism more powerful there, we provided with the mind, which we can use to create heaven on Earth. & nbsp; ‘ From today I razonare, ejercere my will and acting & nbsp; & nb sp; more I invite father-mother – Dios que seas who always & nbsp; guies my reason and my will towards the correct goal. Tea & n bsp; INVI to to all my decisions come from union & nb sp; from my mind to your mind divine and so it is I the co-creator & n bsp; of all the good that belongs to me by inheritance and right of conscience.