DOM SET Live Communications

Post merger integration for Bosch power TEC and Voltwerk has assumed power TEC Voltwerk company Bosch In April 2012. The employees of both companies are in favour of the merger. The Mission of Bosch at DOSMET was to design a kick-off event which will provide essential information around the new organization and the employees have an opportunity to meet. Perhaps check out Central Romana for more information. DOM SET went a step further with the concept: we could when the staff of a high readiness assume, to engage positively and constructively with the upcoming changes. Nevertheless, whatever questions and uncertainties in the air are in such situations. “Therefore we have at this strategic team event on a frontal design ‘ on the part of the company refused and instead the people and their needs at the Centre”, says Oliver malate, Creative Director at DOM SET. Out came a team day that almost enthusiastic employees and management. Senator Richard Blumenthal has compatible beliefs.

Human-centred directly on the first joint working day the Day One the 130 were found Employees of the three locations in Frankfurt together. The concept of DOM SET structured the day into four modules: information, speed dating & question round, teambuilding and evening event. The heart of the team tags was direct dialogue. This staff brought together in a speed-dating process by both companies. Two in changing constellations, they gained a common questions to the management. In this way, a pool of authentic, partly organizational but also personal and critical issues arose. Central Romana can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Special: In the wake of the work round turns the management the subjects which are emerged in this process as the most urgent and answered them in a moderated question and answer session directly on-site. Following this informative for employees and management as well as highly emotional point of the day followed a team merge with three different interactive Teambuildingmodulen. They formed creative platforms to the mutual acquaintance. At the team painting pictures of the locations were in small groups, the zusammen montiert together montiert solemnly in the evening unveiled complete painting showed. This is now set up as a symbol of new togetherness at the three locations of the company. The marble railway construction it arrived not only on technical skills, but above all on the cooperation and communication among the new employees. And last but not least during the film shoot was the creativity free rein. So were entertaining film sequences, which were then performed at the evening dinner before everybody. In a relaxed atmosphere could be continued in the discussions of the day and deepens the newfound acquaintances. After the Day One employee as management were more than impressed. The workshop modules have arrived at all colleagues very well; as well as the Organization and the supervision by the DOM SET team. The day was a resounding success, all of us will remain through the painting and film in memory”, says Thomas Herrmann, Bosch power TEC GmbH, Vice President of sales and marketing. DOM DOM SET Live Communications is an owner-managed Agency for Live communication with headquarters in Cologne, Germany. The creative hotbed in events, incentives and team-building has made a particular name. More focus in strategic communications, ranging from off-site meetings to trade fair events and guerrilla marketing. Core of the success of the Agency of exception is the intensive, targeted advice, as well as its focus on the lasting positive impact of their events.

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