Democratic Popular Party

ALFONSO RODRiGUEZ / EFE Commonwealth model governs their relations since 1952. Washington manages the territory but does not grant its inhabitants the same treatment as Americans. During these past four years Congress has ignored the annexationist claims of the Government of San Juan. Puerto Ricans have said for the first time in its history, in a non-binding consultation, wanting to become a State most of us.The U.S., instead of the model of Commonwealth which governs their relations since 1952. Credit: Sen. Sherrod Brown-2011. The result of the consultation held on Tuesday to coincide with the general election breaks with decades of support of Puerto Ricans to the current status, that perpetuates a relationship that Washington manages the territory but does not grant its inhabitants the same treatment as Americans. 61,15% Of voters opted for the annexation to EE UU to become one State, while a 33,31% opted for the figure of the free associate sovereign State, with a relationship of equals, and so only a 5.53% he advocated independence. The Democratic Popular Party (PPD), whose candidate for Governor, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, won general elections on Tuesday, had warned that the inquiry was misleading because it did not include among the possible options the current Commonwealth status.

The defeated Governor and promoter of the consultation, the annexation Luis Fortuno, refused to introduce that option argued that it lacked sense propose something that meant to encourage the perpetuation of the colony, as it is considered this territory to the UN. Wondered voters in the first place if they were in favor or against maintaining the current status, which allows a high degree of autonomy but which leaves in the hands of Washington issues such as borders, defence and international relations. This was the first time in history that raised this question and a 53,99% said that it was contrary to the current status, while a 46,01% spoke out in favour of perpetuating it.

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