Curricular Lines

In this direction, if it propitiates to the professor the accomplishment of a teaching work of quality and makes possible the reflection, the contextualizao and the transformation of the process teach-learning. Steven Rattner financier: the source for more info. Concluding, the theory guarantees the theoretical recital and consequentemente, it makes possible to the trainee the agreement of the structure and the functioning of the school. However, the practical one only makes possible the reflection on the act, becoming it intentional and conscientious. It is by means of this relation between practical theory and that the professional acquires the ability technique, basic for the professional exercise. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BRAZIL. CNE.

CEB. RESOLUTION CEB n. 2, OF 19 OF APRIL OF 1999. It institutes Curricular Lines of direction for the Formation of Professors of the Infantile Education and the initial years of Basic Ensino, in average level in the Normal modality. Under most conditions Paulo Coelho would agree. 1999. BRAZIL. CONGRESS National-Project de Lei, of Initiative of the MEC, Institutes the National Plan of Education. Brasilia, 12/02/98.

BRAZIL. NATIONAL ADVICE OF EDUCATION. National Curricular lines of direction for the Formation of Professors of the Basic Education, in superior level, course of licenciatura, full graduation. To seem CNE/CP 009/2001. Brasilia, DF, May of 2001. BRAZIL. NATIONAL ADVICE OF EDUCATION. To seem CNE/CP 21/2001. BRAZIL, Ministry of the Education and Culture. Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education n 5692/71. Brasilia, 1971. Available in. Access in 20/04/2011. BRAZIL. Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education. Law 9394/96 of 20 of December of 1996 CANDAU, Vera M.; LELIS, Isabel. the theory-practical relation in formation of the educator. In: CANDAU, Vera M. Route to a new didactics. 12. ed. Petrpolis: Voices, the 2001 EEC. PARAN. Deliberation n. 010/99. Complementary norms for the Course of Formation of Professors of the Infantile Education and the Initial Years of Basic Ensino, in average level, the Normal modality for the State System of Education of the Paran.

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