As Cury (2001) to improve the Brazilian education is necessary that it has an effort of all the society to construct to the education quality that is a basic right of each citizen, proclaimed in our Constitution as the first one of the social rights. In accordance with Gentili (2002, p176) in the educational field ' ' a new speech of the quality must be inserted in the radical democratization of the right to educao' '. To admit that in a fully democratic society, it does not fit to exist contradiction enters the access to the school and the offered type of education in this school. Still in Gentili (2002, p.176) it affirms that: As well as it does not have democratization without equality in the access, neither it will have without equality in the quality received for all the citizens and without definitive abolition of any type of differentiation or social segmentation. For the author (2002), this does not mean to lower the level of all, in contrast, means to raise the quality of the education not simply and transforming it into a right and into a vendida merchandise what to give the best one offers. Therefore it is in the space of the public school that this right is exercised and not in the market.
The quality alone will be possible if not to exist the social dualizao. Quality does not exist when it is discriminated, when the maiorias are submitted to the misery and condemned to the marginality, when the right to the citizenship is refused more than the two teros of the population. For Gentili (2002, P. 177) ' ' quality for few is not quality, is privilgio' '. Our great challenge is in constructing a society for all, eliminating the excluded ones so that all can enjoy of the right to an extremely democratic education.