Civil Engineering

Code of Hammurabi or forced ethics. Hammurabi (king of Babylon), established code related to construction and constructors, that he established that if collapsed a house and this it caused the death of the son of the owner, would until death condemn the son of the constructor. One says that Babylon had fame to have very good constructors. Not to confuse the fissures in the concrete hydraulic engineer. The concrete hydraulic engineer can present/display fissures or cracks, during the different phases from his process: 1) When one is in plastic state; 2) When he develops his process of hardening and 3) When he carries out his structural work already. He must have itself well-taken care of of not confusing the types of fisuracin when a diagnosis becomes of risk. Asphalts modified with polymer Why. Asphalts modify with polymers, having like primary target, to manage a greater viscosity to high temperature and thus to have minors permanent sets.

This also caumenta its elasticity, falling the cracking when they are put under low temperatures. And increasing is added to these characteristics the adhesiveness with the stony employees, to form a more durable asphalt mixture. Problems of stability of slopes? Many methods for the calculation of stable slopes exist, the best ones than others, nevertheless, always it is good for remembering that one of the most important points, to obtain reliable results in the calculation of a slope, consists of obtaining a good selection of the circle of more probable fault (for a circular criterion of fault), in order that all the other calculations are applicable. Engineering of quality. In order to give account to us of the enormous importance that has the good quality in engineer installations, we only must understand that: The quality in the conception of the work is not enough; The quality in the studies, the calculation and the design of the work is not enough; The quality in the programming of the work is not enough. All the previous points are of great importance, nevertheless to cover them will be an absolutely useless effort, if it is not had special well-taken care of in the quality of the work when being constructed.

Measurement of the pH of a ground. When it is required to determine the pH of a fine work ground, the papal reagents can be used that are sold in the pharmacies. It places a small portion of the ground to verify in a crystal container, that contains a little neutral water (with pH= 7), so that it covers the sample with ground, trying that the water is not frozen or too cold, tries to disintegrate the ground in the water well, it introduces and it retires the test paper and colorimtricamente it will be able to take the reading of the pH. Article Written by the Engineer Guillermo Arizpe Narro. Web site Ing.

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