Civil Engineering

According to Picchi (1993), its participation decreases in the recessivos periods, whereas its growth is greater that the average of the country, at times of expansion. Civil Engineering is one of the branches oldest of engineering and its importance is Vital for the development of the society, as well as, for the interconnection between these. As producing of the technology the civil engineer it has undisputed participation in all the stages of the development of the societies human beings and the action of these professionals is the service of the improvement of the quality of life of the people. The civil engineer, as agent of the process of urbanization of natural environments, introduces alterations of intense character, fast varied in this way in its performance in the diverse sectors that compose the civil construction. The civil construction congregates the divisions of Civil engineering and Constructions, which understands the heavy construction and has led, the construction materials, the techniques of project and planning in civil construction, as well as, the constructive processes enclosing relative the ambient aspects to the activities of construction and occupation of the ground.

However, the Macrossetor of the civil construction understands the set of economic sectors directly related, as the supplying industries of insumos and equipment for the construction (long cement, steel, electric material, amongst others), beyond the sector of services associates to the construction (commerce of materials, brokerage of property, etc). The composition of the macrossetor is of 73,45% of the civil construction, 20.34% of supplying industry and 6.21% of services associates, what it involves a great parcel of the economy of the country. The function of the civil construction is to take care of to the basic demands of housing, to provide installations for the development of productive activities and the public equipment implantation for different social classes, thus providing, comfort, security and development. Engineering is the art, the science and the technique of good to conjugate the specialized knowledge of one given area of knowing, with the support of the technician-economic viability, to produce new utilities and to transform the nature, in compliance with well planned ideas, (Bazzo, 2002).

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