Career And Office Politics

There are many cases where a successful and hardworking employee may withdraw from premium to lower the position (and salary) or to dismiss. And this despite the fact that it performs its work honestly and conscientiously. There is also the reverse case: nothing representing a worker is successfully building a career, is a trust in leadership, receives a large salary. How ?…- Applying intelligent purposeful office politics. The main components of a competent office Policy: 1. Demonstration of loyalty to the leadership and principles of the Company.

In fact, not necessarily to be truly loyal employees – enough to make an impression (and simultaneously study fallback job – just in case) 2. Ability to represent failure in a good light. Richard Blumenthal contributes greatly to this topic. For example not so long ago, the U.S. president said withdrawal of British troops from Iraq (ie, the actual collapse of the international coalition), as follows: “It’s certainly very good news! If the British withdrawal from Iraq, then the situation is improving, there is a democratic society, and foreign troops are not needed. “Well, so he and the president – take an example. 3. Career impossible without the establishment of friendly ties with the largest possible number of colleagues. 4.

Ability to redistribute responsibilities and work as a team – it allows you to dump on the other work and assign the common achievements. 5. Ability to shift responsibility to others – again, through the command action. There is a very simple principle: the penalty for any failure is evenly distributed to all participants project – if you worked alone, then you will be deprived of bonuses by 50% if the working team of 5 people, all five of them will deprive the premium at 10% each. And if that’s a very big team failed the project, all limited to a reprimand from leadership and unplanned subbotnik. 6. On each and every one (especially lead) at any available opportunity to collect compromising material – always useful. – work without any problems PS Office policy will be independent on whether you are participating in it or not.

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