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In this case, the size profile can be reduced, since most of the load will have a stone foundation pillars, often used valves D16, four or six rods, interconnected and filled with concrete. In this case, be sure to release an opening for fixing the gate special bonds of metal parts of 50mm, welded with embedded poles or fixtures to avoid pulling fixtures hung gate. Sliding gate is additionally a special foundation of a large mass of metal a mortgage that allows dynamic level swing gates and soil temperature fluctuations. For up-sectional doors is important inner surface opening, in which the gates are installed (usually in the garage) and the distance from the top of the opening up to the ceiling in the garage, which determines the location of the torsion spring doors. Lifting and sectional doors are made industrial way, on their surface is not applied art forging, so in this article this type of gate is not considered. A great variety of patterns and options forged finish gate can not restrict the artist’s imagination and create “a business card at home” on creative inspiration and grand designs. The form of the gates as swing and sliding can be virtually any except at one restriction imposed on the sliding doors – whatever the tip of the gate on the form – in the figure must be present (at the top of the gate) straight line, which is necessary for holding the rollers of the upper board rolling.

Other There are no limitations – the tip can be wavy and concave in the center and two-wave and the peak of the dentate and wicker from forged leaves and twigs forged vine. Gates themselves can be transparent, composed of metal rods square, or shaped tubes, and may not be transparent, “deaf”, closed with metal sheets, wood clapboard or board, translucent polycarbonate or vinyl siding. The surface of the door can be completely “blind”, and maybe with a closed bottom and an air ride, but can occur variants drawings, where the closed surface combines the open, which gives the gate a lot of charm and sophistication. Gate frame made of profiled pipes 50 * 25, 60830 and so on, in ascending order of size and weight of the gate, the inner filling is made from square bar 14mm, 16mm or shaped tubes 15 * 15 20 * 20 and can be unilateral, when outside the gates out the figure, while inside the house – flat panel or sheet of polycarbonate, as well as bilateral. At the gate must be used a powerful bolt and bolts on each vorotine, despite the fact that most of the automated gates – these are simple and reliable elements are required for situations with a power outage, long absence, and so on. Gates with a complex pattern composed of many layers – painted in several steps that involve all elements of the painting, first separately, and then after assembly – in the aggregate. When ordering Gate – Think all the details, it is no wonder they say that the gates – a calling card home. Salazanov Yuri.

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