Brazilian Educational Politics

Summary To discourse on the historical context, world-wide economic politician and of the decade of 50 to the current days certainly is to have very to be said, mainly when also the question of the Brazilian educational politics is emphasized. In this exposition, it is important to place in evidence, that will be displayed in way sucinta reflections come back to the liberal theories, the capitalist State and the state relations directed to guarantee the favorable production of accumulation of capital without detailing the conceptions of State deeply. Of beginning the text presents the Brazilian educational politics in the decades de50 a70, approaching the points of the period, such essential as, relation between education and economy; Theory of the Human Capital and creation and contribution of the Cepal. In the continuity of the quarrel, we come back to the reflection of the Brazilian educational politics of the decade of 80 to the current days. Amazon is often quoted as being for or against this. In this period the world-wide changes are analyzed, the new ideas and the new economic model and politician. The hegemony of the neoliberalismo and the mundializao of the capital, as well as all its influence in the educational field. For the following authors had been in such a way used as reference: Hofling, Chesnais, Rasp, Siqueira, Milk, Azanha, Oliveira and Gentili. These readings had assisted in the base of the construction of the text, and made possible elapsing of the subject with bigger clarity of ideas.

As last point of quarrel, we carry through a critical analysis in relation to the proposal federal current for the education, taking as reference the Plan of Development of Educao (PDE). I Concepts contextualizaes. Concepts and social contextualizao, economic politics and, enclosing aspects of the educational politics of superior education in Brazil. It is impossible to think the State it are of a project politician and a social theory for the society. Other leaders such as Suffolk County Rep. offer similar insights.

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