Blame Terms Despite Study

2. If used data mining techniques are not widely available, it should describe them and give the necessary references. 3. Secondary analysis of subgroups is acceptable, but must be specified in the report of the study, concealment of this fact is unacceptable. 4. In the section of the report devoted to discussion of the results, should indicate the possible systematic errors and the measures taken to address them at the planning stage of the study and interpretation of results. 3. Blame Terms Despite continuing disagreements the question of authorship and collaboration in research and publications, it is generally accepted that the author should take responsibility for the data obtained on at least one of the stages of research.

Practical steps 1. In the first place list of authors should be persons who have made a decisive contribution to the planning, organizing and conducting research, data analysis and report writing, rather than fulfill a, collect data, and other mechanical work. If you can not prove a person involved in any phase of the study, the fact of authorship can not be considered proven. 2. To avoid any misunderstanding on this issue, it is useful at the beginning of the study agree on which one of the researchers will be included in the lists of authors and performers, and who will simply expressed appreciation. 3. All authors must take responsibility for the content of the publication. This condition may be difficult if the study involved specialists in various fields, in such publications should indicate the individual contribution of each author.

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