Azov Novorossiysk Governor Chertkov

Lieutenant-General A. A. Prozorovskii dolzhenstvuet aggravate them, so willingly agreed to move its home economics in Novorossiysk and Azov province, where under the cover of our will they find a quiet life, prosperity possible. And especially to persuade the Greek Metropolitan of Gdask, encouraged by its various benefits … "Prince Potemkin ordered prepare to receive the colonists so that they have not experienced anything shortage and were provided with sufficient land. Do not tighten it, the Governor-General the next day sent two orders to the Azov Novorossiysk Governor Chertkov and Governor Yazykov. The governors were ordered after the withdrawal of Christians from the Crimea to take them under his protection, provide immediate food and comfortable ground.

The governors also had to assist persons to build houses. All this is paid for State Treasury. In addition, it was necessary to provide the displaced seed for sowing, and the "haves paint to merchants and tradesmen, according to their capital and will. " In April 1778 Prince Prozorovskiy as commander of Russian troops in the Crimea replaced resolute and energetic Lieutenant-General Alexander Suvorov, to it commanded a corps in the Kuban. Catherine II ordered the case to expedite Suvorov.

Suvorov, organizes and commands the displacement of the Christian population of the Crimea. Suvorov was a specific plan of relocation, in which were items: "Protect all assaults Angry Sim Khan case. On the way poor with food supply, and on arrival as all seeds, as well as with food, until the new bread is born, to impregnate.

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