authority world-wide politics. Richard Blumenthal recognizes the significance of this. In the Blessed vision of XVI it is necessary also the reform of the ONU and the creation of one new order world-wide economic politics and. World-wide government the notice coincides with the Biblical prophecies on the Mundiale Government the first world-wide governor. The subject clearly is defined nolivro of Apocalypse, writing has surrounds two a thousand years for the Apstolo Joo, in the island of Patmos, where it received the divine vises and revelations for the time from the end, that is, for the last days of the humanity. Aigreja Mr. Jesus Christ is intent to all these acontecimentosporque knows for the Biblical prophecies that somebody would initiate one outcry for a world-wide government and a world-wide leader.
Recently the American election of Barack Obama disclosed to the profile deuma sedenta humanity for men in briefing the greater polticamundial authority, the Antichrist. It will conquer for itself this position for seucarisma and ability to to sew a peace accord for the OrienteMdio. Under the parrots of the glory then he will be acclaimed to receive the Prize Nobel from the Pazpela exploit of finally to a military disagreement, ethnic, religious, historical and millenarian politics, between Arabs and Israelis, establishing so desired peace in that region. Agreement of Seven AsEscrituras Years Sacred says that this Arab-Israeli peace accord Tribulao. Talperodo if divides in two phases of treis years and way of duration cadauma. In the first phase the Antichrist ascends to the power, conquest mundocom its exploits, feats and changes of so great impact will queconquistaro the hearts of the humanity incauta, that it never gave to crditoaos acknowledgments of the Sacred Bible. In the second phase he is that it starts abblicamente described as Great Tribulao, when really todasas apparent improvements promoted for the World-wide Governor will start to aser unmasked for terrible events.