But the Armed Forces had reacted and had been acclaimed by the Nation. Then, they had stimulated the love to the Native land, and the people accepted the suggestions for the order and of the democracy. But, with passing of the time, everything was being forgotten. Since some years, the anarchy acomeou to come back: Mensalo of the PT, mensalinho of the Congressor; , something recently similar in Brasilia and, now, the breaking them personal accounts of on people to the PSDB, in the Federal Prescription.
E, rare, the population is a refugee to the parade of the troops, pr’ to see the band to pass coaantando love things. They had killed, or they are killing, the Spirit of the Revolution? All revolution takes care of to an anxiety in face of ‘ ‘ propostas’ ‘ of the evolution. Generally, these ‘ ‘ propostas’ ‘ they are satisfactory, before being distorted for one strong content of aspirations, when not for an ideology based on the ambition and the incompetence. to say does not go me that Nazism was an exception. Not.
The proposals of Hitler had been so satisfactory that few years if had passed, after the foundation of its National Party Socialist of the Workers German, before it raised it to the population to commands of the Government and the Nation. They had been the ideological distortions and the incompetence of the executors had lead who them to the war and the destruction. in the mat of this History, had walked, in the same rtimo and destination, the Fascism of Italy and the Soviet Socialism. In Brazil, also, the Communism became indisciplinado and, before it arrived at the Power, it provoked a reaction armed less verwhelmed that it in of one week, without registered deaths, such was the efficiency of the strategy adopted for the Armed Forces, commanded for General Cearense Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco, in the gone ones of March of 1964.