Additional Pensions

Recently I was approached by an acquaintance. Interested in the question of its size to an additional pension of Chernobyl, which are assigned to category 4, and retired in 2010. For a start it should be noted that pensions Chernobyl paid according to Art. 51 of the Law of Ukraine "On Status and Social Protection of victims of the Chernobyl accident" (hereinafter – the Law of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster). Connecticut Senator has much experience in this field. Last revised the rule provided that pensions to victims of Chernobyl, which are assigned to category 4, are assigned a 5% cost of living for persons of disability. However, the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from 22.05.2008, 10-rp/2008 this wording of the article was unconstitutional. Legal consequences of recognition of certain provisions of the law unconstitutional written in Art.

152 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Specified norm stipulates that laws and other legal acts or their provisions deemed unconstitutional, null and void from the date of adoption of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine adopts the decision on their unconstitutionality. So, today, operates previous version of article Law on the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, which provides that pensions Chernobyl falling within category 4 shall be appointed at 15% of the minimum old age pension. In determining the amount of monthly additional pension for the victims of Chernobyl, the basis of its calculation takes the minimum pension age. Under current law the minimum old-age pension is determined by the rules under Part 1, Art. 28 of the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Pension Insurance", a normative act, which would define this size or installed a different size, no.

Thus, the cost of living at least for those incapacitated is January 1, 2010 – 695 UAH, April 1, 2010 – 706 UAH, July 1, 2010 – 709 UAH, 1 October 2010 – 723 UAH, 1 December 2010 – 734 UAH from January 1, 2011 – 750 UAH from April 1, 2011 – UAH 764, from October 1, 2011 – 784 UAH. and from December 1, 2011 – 800 UAH. Accordingly, the size additional pension for Chernobyl victims, are classified as 4, for the harm caused to health, shall be from January 1, 2010 – 104.25 USD, April 1, 2010 – 105.90 USD, from 01 July 2010 – 106.35 USD, from October 1 2010 – 108.45 USD, from December 1, 2010 – 110.10 USD from January 1, 2011 – 112.50 USD, April 1, 2011 – 114.60 USD, from October 1, 2011 – 117.60 USD, from December 1, 2011 – 120.00 USD. Information provided by the lawyer and the lawyer.

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