On 14 December this year is”global day of Coderetreat. Everywhere around the world thousands of software developers participate on this day called Coderetreats. In Osnabruck the LMIS AG in cooperation with the University of Osnabruck organised such an interactive event for all IT enthusiasts, who enjoy developing software. Global day of Coderetreat “is organized by the Coderetreat Community contribution Fund (c3f). The nonprofit organization called a day in the life, to honor the passion of programming and the software craft. Last year more than 2,000 software developers from over 20 different time zones took part distributed to more than 150 cities in the event. This year there are expected to be even more than 200 cities and more than 3,000 developers.
The LMIS AG, an IT service provider for individual software, brings the event in cooperation with the University of Osnabruck in this year for the first time to Osnabruck. Coderetreat the journey is the goal a Coderetreat is one Interactive event, where various methods for the development of software are tried in teams. He runs according to a fixed pattern: every Coderetreat is subdivided into individual sessions (also: iterations) of 45 minutes duration, where the teams are trying to solve a specific task. A critical reflection of the different practices will take place at the end of each session. Followed then by the next session starts in which all over again, because the most important rule when the Coderetreat is that the code created in the previous round may not be reused. As a result, the participants remain always flexible in their thinking and approach.
As a Coderetreat it is not, to solve the problem, but to find as many different approaches and to try out new methods. Science meets industry: cooperation between University of Osnabruck and LMIS AG in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Frank Thies ing, Prof. Dr. Stephan Kleuker, Prof. Dr. ing. Rainer Roosmann, Prof. Dr. ing. Heiko Tapken and Prof. Dr. Oliver Henkel from Laboratory Informatics “General” of the University of Osnabruck would the LMIS AG with about 40 software developers from the region most global day of code ret reat participate to both students and professional developers are invited. Practical experience in software development are beneficial, but not a must. With the participation of the “global day of Coderetreat we create the possibility that aspiring and experienced developers can learn from each other and discuss different approaches and methods of software development. Through the cooperation between science and business are often the most fruitful synergies, says Sascha Domer, principal consultant at the LMIS AG. Daniels has successfully completed several times, inter alia in collaboration with University and University of Osnabruck very Coderetreats and is also the event most global day of Coderetreat Guide. The Coderetreat on the occasion of the anniversary of the world is from 09: 00 to approx. 17:00 in the College Osnabruck take place (venue: building SI, access via Barbara Street 16, in addition to the new Mensa). The participation is free of charge. For a midday snack is provided. The participants are asked to bring a notebook includes a development environment for the selected programming language. Applications are now possible at: gdcr2013osnabrueck.eventbrite.de contact: LMIS AG Park Road 40 49080 Osnabruck Tel.